What is History?
History tells the story of people from all walks of life.
It is the story of everything that people have ever done since recognisable humans first evolved between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago.
That's an epic story...it’s our story...it’s your story.
It is the story of changing human cultures, lifestyles, beliefs, politics and creativity.
Our pupils begin their learning in history in the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception Class) through playing, exploring and thinking critically. This enables them to develop key knowledge and vocabulary through themes within ‘understanding the world’ which will prepare them to access the history content as they progress through school. At each age phase, we continue to apply these principles to provide a high quality history curriculum that makes pupils curious about life in the past. Through our curriculum, pupils develop secure historical knowledge of significant events and individuals, representing a rich and diverse account of British and world history. As pupils progress through school, they will develop their understanding of key historical concepts, such as chronology, cause and effect, similarity and difference, significance and hierarchy.
Through our history curriculum, pupils will have the opportunity to explore significant historical events, people (including those from our local area such as Robert Peel) and places (Liverpool’s slaving port). In each year, pupils will focus on two units of work which include concepts of historical knowledge (the big ideas) and the key disciplinary ideas of how historians work to investigate the past. The development of spoken language (including key vocabulary) and the application of reading and writing, which are an important aspect of the history curriculum, are developed to support all learners to articulate the big ideas clearly and precisely.
Our curriculum aims to develop pupils’ understanding of our 10 big ideas of history. Through using their historical knowledge, exploring how archaeologists gather evidence through using a range of historical sources and artefacts (including interviews, diaries, letters, journals, speeches, autobiographies, artefacts, photographs and witness statements)and asking perceptive questions to evaluate, pupils’ will develop their skills in interpreting the past and building a picture of why historical events and people are deemed significant.
We use the Cornerstones Curriculum to enhance our offer.
The Unsworth History Curriculum