At Unsworth Primary School we believe in giving pupils the opportunity to discover and develop their physical potential through a balanced and progressive programme of activities.
We do so in the belief that physical education, in a safe, supportive and challenging environment is a vital component in the development of children’s physical and emotional health and well-being. This includes qualities such as enjoyment, co-operation and development of expertise in different physical areas, which, in turn, allows children to apply skills, celebrating achievement and progression.
Through our PE curriculum our intent is to:
- To develop attitudes of fair play, respect, enjoyment, participation, enthusiasm and competitiveness in physical activities within a safe and supportive environment.
- To provide a broad and coordinated programme of physical education across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in order to help children to lead healthy active lives now and in the future.
- To provide the means for children to realise their full physical potential and to develop movements, coordination, confidence and body awareness in a range of contexts.
- To promote an appreciation of physical movement as a spectator and critic in order to learn new skills of self-judgement and appraisal during individual and team routines.
- To promote responsible attitudes towards safety of self and others in movement, in the use of equipment and to promote an understanding of the relationship between physical activity and health.
- To develop the confidence and knowledge of our staff through the sharing of expertise within the school and through the advice and support of external providers such as ‘Funtime Sports’, particularly through CPD opportunities.
- To provide regular opportunities across each week for pupils to be physically active for sustained periods of time through taking part in traditional disciplines such as gymnastics, dance, invasion games, athletics as well as swimming and Forest School
We currently work with Fun Time Activities who visit school each week to teach PE with each of our class teachers.
Sports Mark Award
Unsworth achieved the Golds Sports Mark for 3 years consecutively up to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
How is the PE curriculum organised?
In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 each child will participate in 2 hours of timetabled PE each week. Pupils will be taught skills across six areas of activity including gymnastics, invasion games and dance. During each year they will be taught games and activities which aims to promote competition and challenge. Orienteering will be covered in Y1, Y3 and Y5. Swimming will be taught during Key Stage 2 in Y4 or Y5. Where available the school’s own provision will be enhanced through additional specialist sports coaching to provide regular CPD for staff in different aspects.
How do we assess achievement in PE?
Observational assessment is the most obvious way of collecting evidence in PE. This may include discussion, responses to questions and children’s assessment of their own and others’ performance through the use of technology such as cameras and ipads. Assessment of children’s attainment is a continuous process and criteria are needed which can be used in assessing children’s work in PE. These include:
- Accuracy
- Efficiency
- Adaptability
- Ability to do more than one thing at a time
- Teamwork
- Agility
- Imaginative performance.
Extra Curricular Clubs
We currently run a number of sporting clubs throughout the year, although some are weather permitting at points throughout each term. Parents will be notified if, for some reason, a club does not take place from week to week.
There are also a wide variety of clubs and associations that we as a school have direct links with. Take a look at the links on this page to find out about clubs in your area and click on the links to find out how to join.
Scheme of Work
Active Ideas
Local Club Links & Websites