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Religious Education

At Unsworth Primary School we follow the Bury Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, 2021-2026.  This makes a distinctive contribution to the personal development of pupils. RE is not simply about gaining knowledge about religions and beliefs, it also helps pupils to develop their own worldviews – their own understanding of the world and how to live, in light of their learning, developing understanding, skills and attitudes.  RE makes a significant contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, cultural development, as well as creating important opportunities to explore British Values.

Pupils begin their learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception Class) where they encounter Christianity and other faiths, as part of their growing sense of self, their own community and their place within it, through playing, exploring, actively learning, creating and thinking critically.  This enables them to develop key knowledge and vocabulary through themes within ‘understanding the world’ which will prepare them to access the RE content as they progress through school. At each age phase, we continue to apply these principles to provide a high quality RE curriculum that focuses on Christians, Jews and Muslims.  As pupils progress to key stage 2, these religions will be explored further, alongside Hindus.  In addition to the religions studied at each Key Stage, non-religious world views will also be explored across all years, in an age appropriate manner.    

Through each of the RE themes, pupils will gain a deeper understanding of self, as well as a growing knowledge of those with different faiths, beliefs and views.  Through this open and reflective dialogue, we can ensure that our pupils develop mutual respect and tolerance, and are equipped to cope with the challenges and responsibilities of living in a rapidly changing, multicultural world.

Our RE curriculum aims to deepen pupils’ knowledge about religions and to build on learning by comparing the religions, beliefs and practices studied. Pupils will develop an understanding of the following three core elements which will prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life through enabling them to:

·        ‘make sense’ of the religions and non-religious world views studied,

·        ‘understand the impact’ of these beliefs in people’s lives, and

·        ‘make connections’ in their own learning and with their wider experience of the world.

The Bury Agreed Syllabus for RE (SACRE document) can be accessed using the link on this page

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