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History - Whole School Enquiry - Who were the Anglo Saxons?

In this enquiry we will be finding out all about who the Anglo-Saxons were, why they came to Britain and how they lived. Use the links and information below to find out for yourself all about the life...

What is a Whole School Enquiry?

It is a whole school curriculum devised by individual class teachers, based on the relevant skills that need to be taught to a specific year group and children’s own interests. It makes use of t...

D&T - Whole School Enquiry - Inventions

We held a two week Design & Technology whole school enquiry that all children from Reception to Year 6 took part in. The idea behind the enquiry was to take inspiration from Prince Albert’s ...

D&T - Whole School Enquiry - Textiles

This whole school art and design enquiry was focused on textiles, as it was identified by the school Arts Task Team as an area where more work could be done to develop the progression of textile skill...